
Create a personal account

To register and submit an abstract for ESPN 2025 you need to create and/or login with your personal account first.

Submit abstract

Unfortunately, submitting an abstract is no longer possible.

Information for presenters

Please click the button below to find all the necessary information to submit.

Information for presenters

General conditions

  • Abstracts must be submitted before 20 December 2024 (23:59 CET).
  • Please note that you must use the online system. No other means are accepted.
  • Abstracts are required for all oral presentations and posters.
  • It is the responsibility of all authors that all studies are performed in accordance with national legislation, international legislation and ethical guidelines with regards to animal experimentation.
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding, preferably first author that the author list is correct: all authors must qualify as authors and agree on the contents of the abstract.
  • You can still review or change your abstract before the deadline by using the link in the confirmation e-mail or login to your personal account.
  • Please note that the early bird registration deadline is 31 March 2025 (23:59 CEST).
  • Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation e-mail after clicking the final submit button. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us.

Contents of your abstract

  • The abstract word limit is max. 350 words (spaces included) per abstract in total (main text, excluding title, author names and affiliations). No references.
  • The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. No full stop at the end. You will be asked to enter the title in the abstract system, and you should therefore NOT include it in your abstract document. – title is restricted to 150 characters max.
  • Please check that your e-mail address (corresponding, preferably first author) is correct as it will be used for contacting you during the review process.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English language only.

The abstract must include the following:

  • Aim: Clearly state the purpose of the study.
  • Materials and methods: Describe your methodology (type of birds, experimental units, parameters, observations) clearly.
  • Results: Present your results in a logical sequence. No tables and illustrations should be included.
  • Conclusions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that are drawn. Highlight the impact of the results.
  • No tables, figures or images.
  • Each abstract should be written as a single piece of text without using headings.


  1. Environmental impact: challenges for poultry nutrition?
    This session is dedicated to all aspects related to a more holistic approach to poultry nutrition and diet formulation; circularity; sustainability; biodiversity index; license to produce

  2. (Novel) ingredients and processing
    This session is dedicated to current developments in novel (protein) feed resources; effects of dietary fibre and feed form or physical structure; use of certain raw materials or (innovative) co-products; feed technology.
  3. Requirements, responses and recommendations
    This session is dedicated to how to use guiding principles to formulate diets; use of modelling approaches; dose responses; in vitro testing; non-invasive techniques; bio-markers.
  4. Customized feeding strategies
    This session is dedicated to more tailored feeding strategies, e.g., extended laying cycle, early feeding concepts, split feeding, choice feeding, phase feeding.                                       

For all sessions we invite abstracts on all poultry species (rearing, laying, broiler, broiler breeder, waterfowl, etc). We realize that response variables such as (gut) health, egg & meat quality, and welfare could fit in any of the sessions, and thus to be chosen by the abstract submissioner.


Review of your abstract

  • The Scientific Committee will review and evaluate the abstracts; the corresponding author is kindly requested to check the e-mail submitted to display possible requests for changings coming from reviewers and operate them in due time.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to the presenting author around the end of February 2025.
  • For accepted abstracts, the Scientific Committee will decide the type of the presentation (Oral/Poster), taking into account the preferred presentation type where possible.
  • For all enquiries regarding abstracts, please contact

Conditions of acceptance

By completing the submission of your abstract, you are confirming the following:

  • The abstract has not previously been presented at another symposium.
  • The results in your abstract have not been presented in a published paper.
  • For each submitted abstract the presenting author needs to be registered: the same author shall not present more than 3 abstracts.
  • If an accepted abstract is to be withdrawn from the symposium, it must be done prior to the early bird registration deadline.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted and whether it is accepted as oral or poster presentation and will indicate it at the time of acceptance.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to ask for changes and amendments in the abstract submitted, we kindly ask the corresponding author to check the e-mail address; furthermore, in order to ensure the quality of the scientific contents itself, any commercial reference should remain apart whereas possible.
  • The evaluation of commercial product(s) can only be accepted as poster, and the decision whether this is the case will be taken by the abstract reviewing committee.
  • Only experiments based on replications and solid experimental designs should be accepted to be presented at the meeting. The use of incorrect or inadequate statistical approaches to analyze biological data, as well as to interpret results, is not acceptable.